All are invited to join Casey Farm’s tour guide and a professional herbalist for a “History and Herb Hike” at Casey Farm on Saturday, June 29 from 1:00 to 3:00. Casey Farm is located at 2325 Boston Neck Road (Route 1A) in Saunderstown, RI. Included on the tour are the farm house, barn buildings, gardens and landscape that tell the centuries-old story of agriculture and planting on this beautiful site. The group will learn about a wide variety of plants that were cultivated for their health, hygienic, and culinary benefits.
The program is $5 for Historic New England members, $15 for nonmembers, and $10 for North Kingstown residents. Pre-registration is encouraged, especially for North Kingstown residents, who should register over the phone to get the discount. For questions or to register, please call 401-295-1030 ext. 5, email, or visit online at
About Casey Farm and Historic New England:
Casey Farm is one of 37 historic sites owned and operated by Historic New England, the oldest and largest regional heritage organization in the nation.