What was the RI CHARG Program?
In 2021, Rhode Island Council for the Humanities (Humanities Council) and Rhode Island State Council for the Arts (RISCA) undertook a historic collaboration on the RI Culture, Humanities and Arts Recovery Grants (RI CHARG), a joint program for $8,000 general operating support grants for Rhode Island cultural, humanities and arts nonprofits. The primary purpose of this grant opportunity was to support eligible nonprofits in “preventing, preparing for, responding to, and recovering from the coronavirus pandemic.” This funding was provided to the Humanities Council by the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) and to RISCA by the National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) as part of the federal American Rescue Plan Act.
The program opened July 12, 2021 and the application period closed August 13, 2021 at 11:59 pm. All information about the program provided below is historical.
The RI CHARG program ultimately awarded $968,000 in federally appropriated cultural assistance funds to 121 culture, humanities, and arts nonprofits:
- 95% were small to midsize and/or Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) centered organizations;
- 65% were organizations based outside the city of Providence; and
- More than 25% were first-time grantees.
To learn more about the grant awards, please click here. For a full list of Humanities Council awardees, please refer to p. 5 of the FY2021 Annual Report.
Please contact grants@rihumanities.org with any questions about this past grantmaking program.
Information on the RI CHARG Program
All awards made through this program will be $8,000. Applicants will fill out one application, with RISCA and the Humanities Council making funding decisions collaboratively. One non-profit may only receive one grant of $8,000 via the CHARG program from either RISCA or the Humanities Council. Depending on which council the grant comes from, there may be slightly different rules, eligible expenses, and reporting requirements, per the guidelines from the NEH and the NEA. Through this program, the Humanities Council and RISCA may grant up to $968,000 in grants.
The application is open to any organization that fits the program’s eligibility requirements (see Who is eligible to apply?). Should there be a higher number of applications than available grants, the Humanities Council and RISCA will convene panels who will prioritize applications per guidance from the NEA and the NEH, as well as RISCA and the Humanities Council’s shared values (see What are the funding priorities?).
Awardees must conclude their grant-funded activities by June 30, 2022, and will be required to provide a final report to complete their grant requirements.
A copy of the application questions is available here. Applicants will submit a completed application form online through RISCA’s grantmaking portal for organizations: www.grantinterface.com/Home/Logon?urlkey=artsri.
RISCA and the Humanities Council will be hosting grant workshops, providing one-on-one support, and drop-in hours (see What if I need help? section). If you have any questions, please contact both Julia Renaud at juliarenaud@rihumanities.org and Todd Trebour at todd.trebour@arts.ri.gov.
Click here for a PDF of the FAQs.
The Rhode Island Council for the Humanities seeds, supports, and strengthens public history, cultural heritage, civic education, and community engagement by and for all Rhode Islanders. As the only dedicated source of funding for public humanities in Rhode Island, we are proud to support museums, libraries, historic sites, schools, preservation and historical societies, community and cultural organizations, individual researchers and documentary filmmakers to bring Rhode Island’s stories to life and to amplify the state’s many diverse voices. A private nonprofit 501(c)3 organization, the Humanities Council is supported by federal funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities as well as by individuals, corporations, and foundations. Visit www.rihumanities.org for more information.
Rhode Island State Council on the Arts is a state agency supported by appropriations from the Rhode Island General Assembly and grants from the National Endowment for the Arts, a federal agency. RISCA provides grants, technical assistance and staff support to arts organizations and artists, schools, community centers, social service organizations and local governments to bring the arts into the lives of Rhode Islanders. Visit www.arts.ri.gov for more information.