Nonprofit leaders and board of directors share the responsibility of leading and supporting the organization’s staff. Many nonprofit staff are suffering from pandemic burnout, and retaining trained and committed staff can be difficult. It can also be difficult for resource-constrained organizations to know how to improve working conditions for staff.
Staffing the Mission is an initiative to support nonprofit staff and improve jobs in the nonprofit sector. It provides specific, tangible steps for nonprofit leaders and boards to take to ensure that the staff working at their organization are able to thrive.
Board members are invited to attend as individuals, but Board teams, and teams of Board members and leadership staff, are welcome to attend as well so that they can continue to work together as a team on the suggested areas of improvement.
A light dinner of sandwiches, chips and drinks will be served. The event is FREE.
The training will be facilitated by Betsy Leondar Wright, Ph.D, sociology professor at Lasell College, and former Executive Director of the Massachusetts Human Service Coalition, who wrote the Staffing the Mission report.
The training is based on the Sustainable Jobs for Organizers Toolkit (for nonprofit staff, not just organizers).