FirstWorks is proud to present this stunning live performance film created by Taiwanese jazz artist Vincent Hsu (徐崇育) and his ensemble, Soy La Ley Afro-Cuban Jazz Band (古巴爵士樂團). Born in Changhua, Taiwan, Hsu is an award-winning bassist and composer who fuses jazz and Afro-Cuban music with his Taiwanese roots.
Streaming On-Demand November 12-19
Join the Watch Party! Friday, November 12, 8 PM on Facebook or click to access the watch link here
Please let Abby ( know if you would like assistance with registration!
FirstWorks is supported in part by a general operating support grant from RICHARG – a joint grantmaking initiative of the Humanities Council and RI State Council on the Arts to distribute American Rescue Plan Act relief funds from the National Endowment for the Humanities and National Endowment for the Arts.