Aquidneck Park
35 Golden Hill St
Newport, Rhode Island 02840
(Directly behind the Newport Public Library)
Join us at Aquidneck Park for newportFILM Outdoors’ opening night with a free screening of WON’T YOU BE MY NEIGHBOR? presented by LILA DELMAN REAL ESTATE, supported by FORTY 1º NORTH.
Venue and food vendors open 6:30 PM – Live Music by Silverteeth 7:25 PM – Film Followed by Q&A with film director Morgan Neville and Producer Nicholas Ma, moderated by Vanity Fair contributing editor David Kamp.
Free Popcorn by NEWPORT HOSPITAL and water station by ST. MICHAEL’S COUNTRY DAY SCHOOL
On-site food vendors: Boru, Binge BBQ, Tricycle Ice Cream, and LemonsAid.
BYO picnic, blankets & chairs – Bike racks on-site provided by Bike Newport
Rain Venue: Casino Theatre, 9 Freebody Street, Newport
ABOUT THE FILM: In Won’t You Be My Neighbor? Academy Award-winning filmmaker Morgan Neville (Twenty Feet from Stardom) looks back on the legacy of Fred Rogers, focusing on his radically kind ideas. While the nation changed around him, Fred Rogers stood firm in his beliefs about the importance of protecting childhood. Neville pays tribute to this legacy with the latest in his series of highly engaging, moving documentary portraits of essential American artists.