Little Compton Historical Society

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  3. Little Compton Historical Society
Events from this organizer

Stories of Enslavement and Indenture in Little Compton

Little Compton Community Center The Commons, Little Compton, RI, United States

Join Little Compton Historical Managing Director Marjory O'Toole as she discusses her research into the lives of Little Compton's 250 enslaved and indentured people. Photo: Lucy Collins, a free black woman who lived and worked in Little Compton.


Cider Social and Cow Pie Bingo

Little Compton Historical Society 548 West Main Road, Little Compton, RI, United States

A final opportunity to see "The Stories Houses Tell" an exhibition by the Little Compton Historical Society funded by RICH. Free house tours, free self-guided tours of the exhibition, free cider and donuts, free activities and a chance to play Cow Pie Bingo.

Stories of Enslavement and Indenture in Little Compton

Little Compton Community Center The Commons, Little Compton, RI, United States

Join Little Compton Historical Managing Director Marjory O'Toole as she discusses her research into the lives of Little Compton's 250 enslaved and indentured people.   Photo: Lucy Collins, a free black woman who lived and worked in Little Compton.
