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  3. Zoom
Events at this venue

Sports ‘n Dykes

Zoom RI, United States

Presented by Wanderground Lesbian Archive/Library Thursday, May 23, 2024, 6:30 pm Via Zoom Free | Registration required: https://wanderground.charityproud.org/EventRegistration/Index/16084 Join us on Zoom for an interactive conversation about Lesbians and Sports. We’ll present some of the items in our collection and invite you to share your stories. "Show & Tell" encouraged! What Lesbian/women’s sport(s) are your […]


FirstWorks: Virtual Talk with Rennie Harris and Jessica T. Pearson

Zoom RI, United States

Virtual Talk with Rennie Harris and Jessica T. Pearson November 9, 7:30-8:30 PM Free - Online via Zoom - More info and Register for link here: https://firstworks.org/event/virtual-talk-with-rennie-harris-and-jessica-t-pearson/ Join FirstWorks for an artist talk with legendary choreographer, Rennie Harris, as he talks about the re-staging of his classic work, "Rome & Jewels," with his company Rennie […]


Moving Forward, Together: A Community Conversation on the 2022 Rhode Island Civic Health Index

Zoom RI, United States

Join members of the team behind the 2022 Rhode Island Civic Health Index (RI CHI) to discuss steps that Rhode Islanders can take, together, to impact civic health in the state. The conversation will begin with a panel focusing on strengthening community well-being and community participation in Rhode Island. RI CHI Data Consultant and Co-author […]


Virtual Program A Tale of Two Gentlemen: Providence’s Henry Lippitt, Portland’s Ruggles Morse, and the Homes they Created

Zoom RI, United States

Join this illustrated talk discussing how Providence’s Henry Lippitt and Portland’s Ruggles Morse used the design of their homes to shape their public image. Even though both Victorian-era mansions have strikingly similar interiors and exteriors, the successful businessmen had very different origin stories. Why did men with such dissimilar backgrounds end up building such similar […]


Author as Activist: The Art of NOW

Zoom RI, United States

Join authors Afua Ansong, Eli Nixon, and Mariahadessa Ekere Tallie online Thurs, July 28 at 7pm for Author as Activist: The Art of NOW!, a conversation moderated by What Cheer Writers Club Advisory Committee Members Frank Maradiaga and Cherie Rowe on the intersections between writing, art and activism. How do contemporary authors advocate for social […]


Lesbian Legacies – Archiving Our Lives in Rhode Island

Zoom RI, United States

This informal discussion circle is sponsored as part of a one-year research grant, Wanderground: Archiving Lesbian Legacies, Words, Creativity in Rhode Island. This one-year research looks into Rhode Island Lesbians’ relationships with and contributions to the late-twentieth-century Women in Print Movement (1970-2000), and their existing personal collections related to the Movement. ** This discussion is […]

Lesbian Legacies – Archiving Our Lives in Rhode Island

Zoom RI, United States

This informal discussion circle is sponsored as part of a one-year research grant, Wanderground: Archiving Lesbian Legacies, Words, Creativity in Rhode Island. This one-year research looks into Rhode Island Lesbians’ relationships with and contributions to the late-twentieth-century Women in Print Movement (1970-2000), and their existing personal collections related to the Movement. ** This discussion is […]


Blocked at the Ballot: How Homelessness Creates Barriers to Civic Participation

Zoom RI, United States

In 2020, on any given night in RI, 1,104+ persons experienced homelessness. Studies show that as few as 1 in 10 people experiencing homelessness vote in elections. What are the barriers to voting and civic engagement for people experiencing homelessness in our state? What would be possible for our community if more unhoused Rhode Islanders […]


TransVoteRI.com Launch & Town Hall

Zoom RI, United States

Join Thundermist Health Center’s Trans Health Access Team for the virtual launch of TransVoteRI.com — a new website providing voter resources for trans, non-binary, and gender-diverse Rhode Islanders. Because trans and non-binary citizens who do not have identification documents that match their appearance, gender, or name may face obstacles to voting, TransVoteRI.com features a comprehensive […]


Little Compton Historical Society – Virtual Annual Meeting

Zoom RI, United States

Little Compton Historical Society's Annual Meeting will take place on Zoom this year. The program will begin with a 15-minute business meeting and the election of officers and board members followed by our annual lecture. Annual Lecture featuring Professor Charlotte Carrington-Farmer, Associate Professor of History, Roger Williams University. Roger Williams Had a Wife? Who was […]
