Location: Exterior of NeighborWorks, 42 Main St.
Time: 8pm
Performer: Daria-Lyric Montaquila
Visual Artist: AGonza
Writing Advisor: Nehassaiu deGannes
Writer: Daria-Lyric Montaquila
Installation: Artwork from artist Deborah Baronas will on display from the series,
“Enslaved Humans: The Engine of the Atlantic World”
Site Partners: NeighborWorks Blackstone River Valley
Site Partner: Museum of Work and Culture
Project Partner (Bandanas): RiverzEdge Arts
Specific research being use on this location:
A sculpture and numerous articles document Abraham Lincoln’s visits to Woonsocket, where he spoke to crowds about the evils of slavery. But nowhere do we commemorate the anti-slavery convention that Fredrick Douglass convened at Woonsocket Falls in 1841, where he and local abolitionist Abbey Kelley were attacked for their speeches on the subject. Thank you to Stages of Freedom for this research.